 In Curricula

In this unit of Imagine That!, sidewalks, elevators, skyscrapers, and world-traveling photographers are the theme. Learning through the pretend play that preschoolers adore, we’ll be rhythmically busy playing storytelling games and handcrafting city “buildings” from wax paper at home so we can make a cityscape in class! Plus every activity has some at-home adaptations so the parent can take part in the learning. With a pair of resonator bars as a featured instrument, and a multicultural, jazzy collection of music, preschoolers will develop the social and intellectual skills they’ll need in school.

  • Two books–Razupazu Toto and Down Our Street
  • Cities! Game Board Set
  • Two Home CDs–collection of multicultural and jazzy music heard in class
  • Family Activity Book
  • Pair of resonator bars as the featured instrument.


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